Tuesday, May 22, 2012

McKenna's BIG week!

Yes, McKenna has lost her first tooth!  We didn't even have to pull it either!  We were eating at Outback and I looked over and it was GONE...leading us to belive that she had swallowed it!  I was FREAKING out (internally).  I was ready to rush her to the ER...but Ben quickly googled the situation and determined that it happens all the time and no doctors visit was needed.  But.....at the end of the meal we found it in her lap.  McKenna says, "Wow, I'm glad we found it!  Because if it had been swept up and gone to the dump the tooth fairy wouldn't have gotten it because the dump sure is stinky!!!!".   LOL

We also had McKenna's preschool graduation on Sunday. 
Jackson and his class performed and did such a great job!

Jackson, McKenna & cousin Hallie Rae Moore after the graduation!

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