Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kids say the darndest things! vol 2

So this may be my last post for a bit ....
The Poole's are packing up & moving ... a whole 3.7 miles down the road to 5626 Crystal Drive!  Yes during the North Dakota debacle, we sold our house!  But no worries, there's always another one just around the corner (or 3.7 miles around the corner)!  So our official move date is May 7 and unfortunately the USAF has been sending Ben out of town alot.  So needless to say we will be pretty busy.  So here are a few photos & "kiddoisms" to keep you for a while until we get settled into our new place & I can get back on here to update ya'll again :)

 brother (age 4) & sister (age 5) photos, spring 2012

McKenna's preschool graduation picture, age 5
First Baptist Church of Blanchard
Poole family photo, Spring 2012
Nate, age 10
McKenna, age 5
Jackson, age 4
parents, OLD

Kids say the darndest things!

JACKSON:  He may or may not have at one point this week (while daddy was out of town) ripped the curtain/valance off his window and used it for a parachute to jump from his top bunk.  (HE DID!)  This was unsuccessful!  He then came running & screaming to me that MCKENNA had FORCED him to preform said act causing injury to his leg.  Well the running lead me to believe that no serious injury had been done so I had NO sympathy and KNEW that his sister had not done anything other than possibly watch said events.  Needless to say I do believe he has learned his lesson.

MCKENNA:  We all remember Trent, right?  So she was sitting by Trent at lunch (anyone surprised?) and their teacher was encouraging him to eat his lunch.  To which Little Miss Priss (aka McKenna) turns to Trent and says, "Trent, you need to eat your lunch.  And P.S. ... if you don't ... I won't be your girlfriend anymore!".  And you know what?  The poor boy ate his lunch!  LOL!

JACKSON:  We were at chick-fil-a when Jack had to go to the bathroom.  He was insistent that he go to the men's bathroom by himself instead of me taking him to the women's bathroom (which is what I normally do).  So I was a little hesitant, but finally decided that McKenna & I would accompany him to the bathroom & stand right outside the door and let him go in by himself.  He was agreeable.  So he goes in & seconds later a male employee goes in after him.  So when Jack comes out he looks right at me & says:  "Momma, a man came in the bathroom while I was in there; but he didn't take me!".  And off to the table he went.  I just smiled and replied, "Well that's good!".  I mean it is good!  Right!

JACKSON + MCKENNA:  We happen to have bought our new home from some friends of ours at church.  Plus the mom is a teacher at the preschool AND their son is one of Jackson's friend's (Dax).  So this has caused a wee bit of confusion.  They know we are moving to Dax's house and they assumed he was then he in turn was moving to our house.  It took a while to get it though that that wasn't happening; that Dax was moving to a great new house, just not ours.   So then they asked, well is Lily Kate moving here, is Braxton moving here, etc.  Finally I told them that Papa (our realtor) was in charge of lining up a great new family to live in our home.  And since then I haven't heard another word!  Guess they have way more faith in Papa than me!!  haha :)

KEL:  And, finally, as Mckenna would say .... PS ...
Would "LIVE! With Regis & Kelly" just hire Mark Consuelos already!!!!  (Or my personal favorite guest host Jerry O'Connell!)  Either way, ENOUGH with the guest hosts!  OK ... whew!  I feel better!  I just HAD to get that off my chest!


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