Saturday, April 7, 2012

week 1 of April 2012

WOW!  April started out with a bang!  Nate came for a visit, we had family photos taken, McKenna had her first t-ball practice, we went on a mini vacation to Dallas, put Nate on a plane back to Georgia and we were back to Shreveport ... all before Easter!  Whew .... take a look at some of our photos :)


McKenna decided that we HAD to bake Nate a "welcome home" cake for when he arrived!
Then we got all dressed up in our Sunday best to have our annual Poole picture taken!
(thank goodness this is not the actual pic!  squinty eyes and

Time to go see McKenna dance ...

Then on to the first practice of the "Drama Mommas" ...

Then we left for our mini vacation in Dallas, TX.  First stop, the aquarium!


The sea otters were all of our FAVORITE parts :)

Next up, my Lord & my Lady, Medieval Times!  We were with the red & yellow knight, and sadly did not win but still had a blast!  McKenna became a princess complete with a crown while Nate & Jackson became princes with swords & shields!  It was quite an experience! 

Sadly, that ended our week with Nate & he had to get on a plane to go back to GA.  We will miss him until we see him again in June and are soooo glad that his June visit will be 6 weeks instead of 1 week :)

When we got home McKenna drew a CARROT & labeled it "CERIT" ... pretty good for a preschool/5 year old!!!!

Jackson, always cracking us up!  Came up with this little outfit on his own!  its his "sword/light saber/cowboy/work suit".  He told me:  "Momma, most people think these are 2 swords, but they aren't.  One is a sword and one is a light saber." That boy KNOWS his Star Wars!  LOL                                                    

On the trip, Nate & McKenna were arguing in the backseat & had been warned more than once to stop.  Finally I turned around and REALLY "let into them" and told them to stop arguing!  Well Jackson chimes in:  "now that's what I'm talking about!  yeah!" .... LOL  :)

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