Wednesday, March 21, 2012

week 2 of March 2012

McKenna had a BIG homework project due.  She had to keep up with her baths & teeth brushing using a sticker chart for 2 whole weeks!  She got an "EXCELLENT"!!

We took the kids to see Sesame Street Live!  They had a great time!  The adults, well...ummmm...not so much.  I swear there was no story line to this kids show!!!

The kids had picture day at school!  They had spring pictures, sibling pictures & McKenna had her preschool graduation pictures! 

McKenna had her usual dance lesson.  She's been practicing for her big recital that will be Saturday May 26!

This was our busiest day yet.....
First Jackson & I went to Gator & Friends in Greenwood, LA on a field trip with his class .....

Then we went to see a Veggie Tales movie at our church.  
(No McKenna is not standing on a hill, she is just a GIANT ... lol!!)

We brought some of our cousins and friends.

After that, our friends came back to spend the night with Kenna & Jack where they had brownies before bed.

And that ends week 2 of March 2012 for The Poole's!


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