Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kids say the darndest things! vol 1

Mom had told me about this guy attempting to abduct a 7 yr old from a Wal-Mart but the girl was rescued due to the girls actions.  She began yelling & screaming for help; which is when the guy put her down & fled.

So on the way to the mall today I decided to ask the kids what they would do if we were in Target & a stranger picked them up & tried to take them to the parking lot.  Well McKenna said the usual "yell, scream, wave my arms, yada yada".  This was the conversation between Jack-Jack & I:

JACK:  Well I would just kick him.
mom:  Ok, that's good.  But what if he's alot bigger than you & just picks you up?
JACK:  Well I'd just karate chop him. (dead serious, no smile)
mom:  OK, but Jack, what if he's bigger than daddy & he knows karate too?
JACK:  Momma!  I already told you!  I would just karate chop him in the leg & he would go away!

The kids have taken their baths together since they were babies.  When Kenna turned 5 I started having them taking separate baths, but not necessarily like "OH you cannot see you sister naked".  Our usual nighttime routine is Kenna takes a bath while Jack takes a shower (all in master bath).

Well tonight I noticed McKenna acting a little different around him & making sure she was covered & blah blah.  So while I was putting on her PJs I asked her if she wanted Jackson to move his shower to the guest bath.  This was our EXACT conversation:

mom:  Baby, do you not like it when Jackson takes his shower while you take your bath?
KENNA:  Ummm ... well .... I don't like him out of the shower or in the shower  .....
mom:  Well ...  ok ....  we'll work something out   :)

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