Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A few great 'finds' I had to share ...

So I've found a few things this weekend/week that may interest you ... if not there's still a cute photo of the kids at the end to entertain you .....

So thanks to my friend Jana I have found this AMAZING iPhone app, Lose It!  Love it!! -- Lose It! website

Found this free parenting seminar to go to @ SB Families website.  The author of "1-2-3 Magic for Christian Parents" was the speaker & we really learned alot.  (I dragged Jana along as my +1.).  So the seminar was just an overview for the book, so I'm in the process of reading the book now.  To be continued .... -- 1-2-3 Magic website

Then came across these cute shirts @ Walgreens today, but found a much greater selection on their website -- Sweet Thing Apparel website

Maybe you can use this info...maybe not; either way, have a great day :)

P.S.  As promised, here is a cute photo of the kiddos in the adorable shirts their Aunt Katie bought them.  (In case you can't read it, the shirts say:  Big Sis McKenna & Lil Bro Jackson.)

PPS  Adding my favorite organization blog "I love organization"; pay special attention to her March Challenge:  Household Binder!  (Thanks Lorna for being as dorky as me & loving it as much as!!)

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