Wednesday, March 21, 2012

week 2 of March 2012

McKenna had a BIG homework project due.  She had to keep up with her baths & teeth brushing using a sticker chart for 2 whole weeks!  She got an "EXCELLENT"!!

We took the kids to see Sesame Street Live!  They had a great time!  The adults, well...ummmm...not so much.  I swear there was no story line to this kids show!!!

The kids had picture day at school!  They had spring pictures, sibling pictures & McKenna had her preschool graduation pictures! 

McKenna had her usual dance lesson.  She's been practicing for her big recital that will be Saturday May 26!

This was our busiest day yet.....
First Jackson & I went to Gator & Friends in Greenwood, LA on a field trip with his class .....

Then we went to see a Veggie Tales movie at our church.  
(No McKenna is not standing on a hill, she is just a GIANT ... lol!!)

We brought some of our cousins and friends.

After that, our friends came back to spend the night with Kenna & Jack where they had brownies before bed.

And that ends week 2 of March 2012 for The Poole's!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jaycee Lee Dugard

A living HERO ...I read/"listened to" the Jaycee Dugard book recently, A Stolen Life, and would love someone to discuss it with....  So if anyone has read it or reads it soon let me know! If you can make it through the first half the second half is so INSPIRING! But I won't lie, the first half is hard to listen to.; a little language & pretty graphic.  I chose to listen to this one rather than actually read it b/c Jaycee actually narrates the book herself & I thought she would add the correct inflection where needed; and I was right!     

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 10, 2012
I found out how to do this "watermark tee" on pinterest and just had to try it out!  I did Hallie Rae's first.  They recommended T-shirts, pillow cases, onsies, etc.  It was SUPER easy and turned out really cute, or at least I think its cute.  Here's the link:  watermark tee

McKenna's "sock bun" hair

March 10, 2012
I saw this "sock bun hair" on pinterest & just had to try it on McKenna.  It took me 2 minutes Saturday night & 2 minutes Sunday morning.  Here is the link if you know anyone interested in seeing the video on to "how to":  sock bun hair.

painting with a twist - cross

March 9, 2012
So Friday Karesa & I did PWAT.  As you can see, I did my own color mixing which did not turn out so well.  Is it gorgeous? No.  Will it go behind my bedroom door like my other 8?  Yes.  But did we have a BLAST?  YESSSS!!!!!  Can't wait for the April schedule to come so I can pick out what I'm going to paint!!!  :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kids say the darndest things! vol 1

Mom had told me about this guy attempting to abduct a 7 yr old from a Wal-Mart but the girl was rescued due to the girls actions.  She began yelling & screaming for help; which is when the guy put her down & fled.

So on the way to the mall today I decided to ask the kids what they would do if we were in Target & a stranger picked them up & tried to take them to the parking lot.  Well McKenna said the usual "yell, scream, wave my arms, yada yada".  This was the conversation between Jack-Jack & I:

JACK:  Well I would just kick him.
mom:  Ok, that's good.  But what if he's alot bigger than you & just picks you up?
JACK:  Well I'd just karate chop him. (dead serious, no smile)
mom:  OK, but Jack, what if he's bigger than daddy & he knows karate too?
JACK:  Momma!  I already told you!  I would just karate chop him in the leg & he would go away!

The kids have taken their baths together since they were babies.  When Kenna turned 5 I started having them taking separate baths, but not necessarily like "OH you cannot see you sister naked".  Our usual nighttime routine is Kenna takes a bath while Jack takes a shower (all in master bath).

Well tonight I noticed McKenna acting a little different around him & making sure she was covered & blah blah.  So while I was putting on her PJs I asked her if she wanted Jackson to move his shower to the guest bath.  This was our EXACT conversation:

mom:  Baby, do you not like it when Jackson takes his shower while you take your bath?
KENNA:  Ummm ... well .... I don't like him out of the shower or in the shower  .....
mom:  Well ...  ok ....  we'll work something out   :)

A few great 'finds' I had to share ...

So I've found a few things this weekend/week that may interest you ... if not there's still a cute photo of the kids at the end to entertain you .....

So thanks to my friend Jana I have found this AMAZING iPhone app, Lose It!  Love it!! -- Lose It! website

Found this free parenting seminar to go to @ SB Families website.  The author of "1-2-3 Magic for Christian Parents" was the speaker & we really learned alot.  (I dragged Jana along as my +1.).  So the seminar was just an overview for the book, so I'm in the process of reading the book now.  To be continued .... -- 1-2-3 Magic website

Then came across these cute shirts @ Walgreens today, but found a much greater selection on their website -- Sweet Thing Apparel website

Maybe you can use this info...maybe not; either way, have a great day :)

P.S.  As promised, here is a cute photo of the kiddos in the adorable shirts their Aunt Katie bought them.  (In case you can't read it, the shirts say:  Big Sis McKenna & Lil Bro Jackson.)

PPS  Adding my favorite organization blog "I love organization"; pay special attention to her March Challenge:  Household Binder!  (Thanks Lorna for being as dorky as me & loving it as much as!!)

Monday, March 5, 2012

working at the carwash

Well it was kind of a slow week around the Poole house, picture wise, so I thought I'd post my absolute favorite picture of the last 5 years for you to enjoy .......
~ photo dated March 2011 ~

McKenna & Jack-Jack were washing their car over at Papa & Nana's when Kenna decided she needed to be cooled off a little.  Needless to say I did correct this behavior; but only after I snapped the picture...LOL!!!  The look on Jackson's face is PRICELESS!!!!

I'll definitely be pulling this one out for McKenna's "sweet 16"!   :)