Tuesday, May 22, 2012

McKenna's BIG week!

Yes, McKenna has lost her first tooth!  We didn't even have to pull it either!  We were eating at Outback and I looked over and it was GONE...leading us to belive that she had swallowed it!  I was FREAKING out (internally).  I was ready to rush her to the ER...but Ben quickly googled the situation and determined that it happens all the time and no doctors visit was needed.  But.....at the end of the meal we found it in her lap.  McKenna says, "Wow, I'm glad we found it!  Because if it had been swept up and gone to the dump the tooth fairy wouldn't have gotten it because the dump sure is stinky!!!!".   LOL

We also had McKenna's preschool graduation on Sunday. 
Jackson and his class performed and did such a great job!

Jackson, McKenna & cousin Hallie Rae Moore after the graduation!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kids say the darndest things! vol 3

mckenna: "Momma I STILL don't know which boy I'm going to marry ... !?!? There are just SOOOOO many in the world!!! But one thing is for sure ... I bet they ALL (her eyes were wide at this point!!!) want to marry me!!!!!"  I'm thinking confidence is NOT an issue for her!  LOL :)

jackson:  We moved into our new house this week and were discussing getting a "yard flag" for our yard.  I wanted a "P" for "Poole".  McKenna wanted a "M" for "McKenna".  And even though Jackson was raised a Gamecock (go garnet + black!!!) through and through he said:  "Well I sure would like an LSU flag!"  Boy his Papa would have been proud!!!  (FYI ... to end the suspense, as you can imagine, hades would freeze over before Ben would allow an LSU flag in our yard!  And since I was in charge of purchasing the flag, we went with a colorful "P"!)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kids say the darndest things! vol 2

So this may be my last post for a bit ....
The Poole's are packing up & moving ... a whole 3.7 miles down the road to 5626 Crystal Drive!  Yes during the North Dakota debacle, we sold our house!  But no worries, there's always another one just around the corner (or 3.7 miles around the corner)!  So our official move date is May 7 and unfortunately the USAF has been sending Ben out of town alot.  So needless to say we will be pretty busy.  So here are a few photos & "kiddoisms" to keep you for a while until we get settled into our new place & I can get back on here to update ya'll again :)

 brother (age 4) & sister (age 5) photos, spring 2012

McKenna's preschool graduation picture, age 5
First Baptist Church of Blanchard
Poole family photo, Spring 2012
Nate, age 10
McKenna, age 5
Jackson, age 4
parents, OLD

Saturday, April 7, 2012

week 1 of April 2012

WOW!  April started out with a bang!  Nate came for a visit, we had family photos taken, McKenna had her first t-ball practice, we went on a mini vacation to Dallas, put Nate on a plane back to Georgia and we were back to Shreveport ... all before Easter!  Whew .... take a look at some of our photos :)


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

week 2 of March 2012

McKenna had a BIG homework project due.  She had to keep up with her baths & teeth brushing using a sticker chart for 2 whole weeks!  She got an "EXCELLENT"!!

We took the kids to see Sesame Street Live!  They had a great time!  The adults, well...ummmm...not so much.  I swear there was no story line to this kids show!!!

The kids had picture day at school!  They had spring pictures, sibling pictures & McKenna had her preschool graduation pictures! 

McKenna had her usual dance lesson.  She's been practicing for her big recital that will be Saturday May 26!

This was our busiest day yet.....
First Jackson & I went to Gator & Friends in Greenwood, LA on a field trip with his class .....

Then we went to see a Veggie Tales movie at our church.  
(No McKenna is not standing on a hill, she is just a GIANT ... lol!!)

We brought some of our cousins and friends.

After that, our friends came back to spend the night with Kenna & Jack where they had brownies before bed.

And that ends week 2 of March 2012 for The Poole's!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jaycee Lee Dugard

A living HERO ...I read/"listened to" the Jaycee Dugard book recently, A Stolen Life, and would love someone to discuss it with....  So if anyone has read it or reads it soon let me know! If you can make it through the first half the second half is so INSPIRING! But I won't lie, the first half is hard to listen to.; a little language & pretty graphic.  I chose to listen to this one rather than actually read it b/c Jaycee actually narrates the book herself & I thought she would add the correct inflection where needed; and I was right!     

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 10, 2012
I found out how to do this "watermark tee" on pinterest and just had to try it out!  I did Hallie Rae's first.  They recommended T-shirts, pillow cases, onsies, etc.  It was SUPER easy and turned out really cute, or at least I think its cute.  Here's the link:  watermark tee